Start-Up Investor

With an MBA from Lancaster University, one of the top business schools in Europe and a hands-on experience of managing companies for last 25 years, Sekhar brings a unique blend of experience and knowledge to the table. An innovator, motivational leader and a target driven executor, he has a stellar record of leading numerous organisations from the front.










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National Security Enthusiast, Food Security Specialist


Target driven executor

Sekhar over the last few years has been pro-actively involved in Mentoring CEOs across various verticals, bridged the financial needs of mid-size organizations, structured vision driven organizations to optimize their growth potential and navigated multi-million dollar deals through out-of-box solutions.


From Africa to America, Sekhar can boast of extensive network with decision makers across various spheres including business leaders, political leaders, media executives, social influencers, etc.


Sekhar is currently authoring a book on “International Trade” and in the process of launching his media channel to transmit all his experience and knowledge to the viewer.


Areas of Expertise

Creating Successful Business Model
Financial Solutions
Market Penetration Strategy
Strategic Planning
Effective Supply Chain Management Solutions
Out of Box Strategic Solutions
Crisis Management Skills
Leadership and Team Building
Chase what sets your Soul on Fire


The SM Show (The Sekhar Mutha Show) would be a Podcast with the idea of having policy makers and influencers of different countries across the world as its guests. It will be global in its outlook highlighting interactive sessions between the Podcaster (Sekhar Mutha) and the Esteemed Guests about the opportunities of working, living and investing in their countries.

The Podcaster (Sekhar Mutha) has been fortunate to visit more than 50 countries and most of them for work giving him an in-depth understanding of the macro and micro eco-systems. He wants this knowledge and experience to come into play during his interactive sessions making it more informative, meaningful and productive for his viewers. The guests would typically include Ministers, Ambassadors, Senior Diplomats, Policy Makers and other influencers who have a role in the decision making of that country.

The Podcast would serve as a great informative medium for its viewers and play its little part in solidifying that step they might have been contemplating towards working, living and investing in any of these countries. This would not be a podcast from a academic or journalistic point of view. Rather, it would be akin to where a sportsman interviews sports people or an actor interacts with another actor, making the sessions more insightful and purpose driven.

The Podcaster Sekhar Mutha has spent his last 25 years in the real world and never been active in social media. Now, he does realize the importance of social media and more so, for his knowledge and experience to be transmitted to the younger generation.

So, before launching the Podcast, a market development exercise has to be undertaken to make the presence of Sekhar Mutha felt in the Social Media. This could be treated as various teasers or trailers from a movie’s perspective creating a hype before the launching of the actual show. 

One of the ideas is to have a ghost podcast with clips between 30 seconds to 1 minute to generate curiosity amongst the viewers. This would be a precursor to the Podcast and should be a 90 days pre-run before the actual podcast starts. The Podcaster is also open to other ideas which can increase his viewership before the actual launch of the podcast.

At the end of Day 90 we would have a sizeable presence in the social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook etc doing justice to the Podcast at the time of launch.

The target market would be the millennials and Zoomers who like to be mobile in their careers and look for better opportunities globally. The Podcast would be a continual feeder helping them evolve into informed individuals and fuel their decision-making process.

The forum would also give many policy makers of various countries a great platform to show case their country’s potential from living, working and investing perspectives.

A pertinent question could be asked by many of you that what makes the The SM Show different or unique when the internet is overcrowded with tons of information and rightly so?

Through The SM Show I will equip you with real time information from the ground and not something gathered from secondary data sources. I am real and bring in more than 25 years of hands-on experience in exploring opportunities from Lagos to London, Beijing to Boston, Dubai to Dar-Es-Salaam, Monrovia to Mexico City, Hanoi to Hannover and many more.

The thrust of the show would be on the adages like “Seeing is Believing” “Truth over Illusion” and Pragmatism over Idealism”.

Objective is to walk the viewers through various options through the dynamic podcast sessions and arm them with more more ammunition to take the right decision about your career, goals, life, investments etc.